Thursday, September 18, 2008

Finding Happiness in all things.

The last couple days have been very peaceful, I have spent the time with my daughter doing things before fall arrives. We have been like two peas in a pod, sharing laughs. We went to Washington Park in Springfield, it was where my wife Lisa and I got married in 2000. I remember the day like it was yesterday, we had a freak ice storm on March 18th. It prevented some of the guest from making it, so it made it a little smaller than we wanted. It is better safe than to be sorry! My fiance was so beautiful that I could not take my eyes off her. Lisa wore a blue flowered dress, that matched her wonderful blue eyes. She had a bouquet of white daisies, and a smile more beautiful than any flower! We only invited a handful of people, it consisted of mostly immediate family. My niece Emily was the flower girl, and my Dad my Best Man.

I did it again, I was talking about our day at the park, I will continue this story in a future entry. What I was going to say was that I will love Washington Park forever, no matter the weather.

It started off with my usual dirty diaper change, and then we were off. We went over to the pavilion, and I took a couple pictures of M.J. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining down on us as the wind gently blew. We talked to many people along the way, and watched all the wildlife enjoy themselves. We saw turtles, squirrels, ducks, swans, and a fox.

People jogged, biked, and walked their dogs. Elderly couples held hands, and kids laughed at nothing. I walked our daughter down the hill, under the aged shade trees, and through the park. We made our way to the water to feed the water fowl, and she was overjoyed."Duck" "Duck"! "Quack"! We passed over bridges, and took a little break by the carillon.

M.J had her juice and I drank water as we watched the hummingbirds drink out of flowers. I gazed at our daughter as she watched the colorful butterfly's play in the air."Fly" Fly" "Bttter fly"! I love how kids smile after they discover they can say a word.

We made our way up the little hill so dad can finally use the bathroom, I mean she could play at the playground. It was a very nice kids park, it had slides, swings, and many other things M.J's too little for. The sounds of kids happily playing, and the smiles from Grandparents, it made my heart smile.

Malayna made a friend in no time, a 2 year old named Hanna. They followed each other around the playground, taking turns on the slides. They climbed a frog and a dog together. I conversed with her Pa Pa, while they laughed and got to know each other by playing together. I was nervous, because it was the first time I've seen her play with a stranger for more than a couple minutes.

I stood a safe distance away from her to protect her, far enough away to allow her grow up. She is getting big too fast, and afraid of nothing. Even if she inherited the family clumsiness, she runs up and down slopes. She tries to climb everything in her sight, and runs at full blast. I met  a lot of nice people out and about this week. I shared some incredible memories with her this week.

We do the best we can without Mom in our daily lives, but soak her up at night when she comes home. We have watched a couple movies this week, one of them being Starship Troopers 3. It was so ridiculous that we could hardly make fun of it, the film did it to it's self. Tonight the Love Guru with Mike Meyer's, I will let you decide if you like it. I will say this, it is not one of his best, but found myself laughing some. I grew up watching him on SNL, doing outrageous skits. So I can not compare his work on the show to some of his movies

I'm still waiting to see MJ's commercial from the other day. She was so cute, if I don't see it tomorrow. I will have to call the place to find out when it will air. Got to go, because the morning has snuck up on me. I will have to get up soon and take care of our little superstar.

Before I go I wish to tell all the people in my life thank you, and I love you!

Bless You All,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely day, and I'm glad you were able to enjoy it with MJ!

I haven't seen Love Guru, and it doesn't look like one of his best. I'm still waiting for the fourth Austin Powers. Yeah, baby!
