Monday, August 4, 2008

You tell me.

My first time, I really don't know what I'm doing and I'm in a room by myself with the door closed. Using my hands to release something from inside my body. I'm talking about thoughts and emotions onto a keyboard perverts. Seriously I am a blog virgin I really don't know what to start with.

Should I start with my personal life? No that would be too easy, how about  when I created this journal I saw "my cool self" on the corner of the screen. First of all If I was so cool, I wouldn't feel the need to start a blog. I'm just kidding, but see you don't know me yet or my humor. Don't feel bad most people don't get it either.

To get back to being serious I've wanted to do this for some time not just blogging but to be writer. I've wrote countless things throughout my life, but never really tried to publish. I'd always felt it too personal to share with the world or somebody would steal it. I used to read at coffee shops, and to other writers but its been awhile. Don't worry I'm not going to read you anything, unless your a serious publisher and won't rip me off. Hint, Hint.

 Enough of the talk of dreams of my past. How about God almost dying in a car wreck, thank god for seatbelts! If this doesn't make sense, I'm referring to Morgan Freeman one of our greatest actors. Let's hope for a speedy recovery for both passengers. Hell about the world. At the rate things are moving, and all of life controlled by our great leaders.

You have to laugh at the insanity sometimes to stay sane. Ha ha hee hee ho ho! Does any one know what I mean? Can anybody really tell me the true definition of insanity? When in fact we our all crazy in our own way.

 A couple of years ago I was watching a science show on theory's and inventions. It discussed people from Newton, Einstein, to Edison. Watching it I discovered that most of the greatest minds spent their lives to their death beds trying to figure out the answer to life. I'm no genius but I thought at that moment "the answer to life is to simply live"! Think about it they accomplished so much in life, yet the answer was in their faces. The bottom line stop thinking and just do.

 Hell, if they would of done that we would have discovered life on other planets by now, or we would be living like the Jestons if you like that kind of thing. I'll have to leave it on that note for I hear my baby crying and my wife has to get up early for work. I' would do any thing for family and usually do, but my mouth usually gets me in trouble in this life. So for now I must shut up.

Thanks for listening.


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