Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Insomniacs Ramble.

Every since I was a kid I have struggled with insomnia. Sometimes my dad would even let me stay up later than my two siblings, for he knew it was tough on me. We would stay up and watch UHF, they would play the Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, old movies, and my favorite show as a kid, Doctor Who. I even watch the new one that's on now, go ahead call me a dork. I also watched Quantum Leap, and the Incredible Hulk too. 

Here I go again drifting off my point about insomnia. I really don't know why, being a kid I shouldn't of had too much to worry about. Maybe I did and just can't remember the things that troubled me. I do remember the Nightmare On Elm Street films bothering me, especially having my older brother on the bottom bunk, repeating 1,2 Freddy's going to get you. 3, 4 lock the door, you know the song in which I speak. Then he would wrap the bunk bed, and I would scream like a ban chi in the middle of the night. Sometimes waking my parents on a work night, and my school night. That usually didn't please them to much.

 I do remember another time my brother Don was teasing me about the movie Poltergeist, when something fell and hit the closet door,  and then we both screamed. Needless to say he let up on me about that film and I was pleased at whatever did happen in the closet. It was rare, my older brother was scared too, it made me feel avenged for all the times he taunted me.

I don't have time to recall all the pranks, goofs, and fibs he had pulled. I know I was discussing lack of sleep, but it is fun to talk of him again. You see there are people who try to be funny, and people who can be funny, but he was one us of those special people who could be funny in his sleep. Don reminded me of Jim Carey, Eddie Murphy, Jack Benny, and Sid Ceaser rolled into one person.

We had bad times and good times. Overall he was my protector,best friend, teacher, and sometimes my parent. He taught me how to do many things my parents didn't have the time or patience to do. Although, I remember asking girls out for him on the phone, when he was too shy. I  remember going door to door for him when we sold Watkins products for school, he was strong but very shy as a kid.

 I was polite and simple as a child. I was born with a hole in my heart, it did close eventually. The sad fact was growing up my parents were told I would be a little slow, a result from the hole in my heart? I will admit it took time, practice, patience, and the will to be like the other kids. I forget what grade it was when I didn't have such a hard time anymore and felt enough like the other kids. I don't mean I was in special head, but maybe I should have been. It all turned out well for the most part, but I do know that today I still struggle with mild dyslexia and that it can interfere with my days sometimes.

So, for anyone who can't stand grammar laced with errors, please bare with me. I will get around to correcting them when I find the time. Trust me when I say I'll try the best I can. It is usually early in the morning when I'm tired and at my worst. I have to journal at these hours because of my life being the way it is right now.

Not to forget my problem of insomnia, it is just the fact that life is what it is sometimes. Handling it the best we can might be the only thing we can do about it. Still I remain faithful, and optimistic about life, about family, and my dreams.

If you want to know a little something about me as a child, when I was 2 yrs. old or so   I watched the Incredible Hulk. I would have my hulk jammies on and pick up this plastic chair over my head and growl "hulk mad!" then toss it on the ground. My parents thought it was cute and snapped a couple pictures. I have the photos in one of my albums in the chest.

I used to want to be Archeologist, like one of my other heroes Indiana Jones. I had the official hat, a coat, and a whip. I would make my cousin Brock play that when he came over, and he hated being Short round. We got in trouble once for taking some crystal stones off an antique lamp that was my Grandmas, and once more for digging an excavation site around the gas tank and exposing the pipes. WHOOPS! I didn't know any better I was under 6 years old.

When I was a kid I loved baseball, and even dreamed of playing in the World Series. My brother loved the Cards, my sister the Cubbies, and I the New York Met's. I got questioned by many people on how a kid from Illinois could like the Met's. Or they would say "Why not the Yankees instead?".  It is simple, my brother said I couldn't like the same team as him, my sister the same thing, but what they didn't know is I secretly rooted for their teams, but I couldn't when they played the Met's.

My two favorite players were D. Strawberry, and Doc Gooden. Boy I sure could pick um or what, both players ended up getting arrested for drugs and other things. It was a shame Dwight Gooden was a very young kid when he started in the pros and had the talent of many of the greats. They did do well for a couple years, and even made it to the series, and won it in 1986. I was amazed by them., to this day I still can name all the players on that team, but will spare you . That was pre-strike, when tickets were reasonable, Harry Carey sang, and  the World Series was over by my birthday in the First week of October. 

I was a 1980's kid, I collected Garbage Pale kids, wore a Don Johnson suit from Miami Vice, and a Knight rider big wheel..We listened to Dance music while we played B-ball, and  I would perfect my free throws for when I would play for the Chicago Bulls.You heard me, that's what I said "Chump" "The Buuullls". My brother and I used to pretend to be Jordan and Pippen when we would shoot hoops. We were Montana and Rice when we would throw a football.

 I was, and still am a big sports fan. I like just about all sports, but only have time to watch Basketball, Football, and some Baseball. I would prefer to go to a concert or to see a stand up comic, rather than pay all that money to go to a game. When my wife and I could watch it at home on the couch peacefully together. Don't get me wrong I would still jump on the chance to see a Bulls game or a Pro football game, because I have never been to either.

 I just realized the time! My wife will be getting up for work soon, also meaning the baby could get up early again, if  don't get the alarm first. So, I say this to all who reads this rambling insomniacs journal thank you, and have a splendid day and a "Marvelous" evening. 

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of  the cyber world,



Tags: , , UHF,and my inner dork

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have some great childhood memories! And guess what? I wanted to be an archaelogist, too! My fascination was with ancient Egypt and the tombs of the pharoahs. To be honest, I'm STILL fascinated by it!
