Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Convenient truth

Its easy to love someone or something's in life. Its harder to trust people and life itself. Some people have a hard time trusting themselves and for good reason. If you have been hurt or lied to or had promises broken many times over. Its hard to trust love because people are different and love is different.

A person can be in love, or love another, there is unconditional love and we can love pizza. We can love sunsets, music, friends, and family. But it doesn't mean we want to spend most of our valuable time with them. Like family for example we love them , but most of them we would rather see them on holidays or we would go nuts.

There can be two people in a relationship and love each other more than any other person on earth but show it differently. One will try too hard and overdo things and the other tired and overworked  keeps emotions and problems to themselves. One will go above and beyond and the other will want to relax and say nothing pertaining to love. While the other smothers them with love not meaning to but just trying their best to show how much they mean to them and love them. The other doesn't know how to express or show love and would rather not hear it so often. But they trust each other and know in their hearts and souls they love each other or they wouldn't keep trying to make things happy and true.

Now let me get back to the convenient truth. What is a lie? How about a white lie? Then there is what I call a convenient truth = half truths. When someone doesn't feel like talking or doesn't want to hurt a person or just gives up. Thinking discussion is a strain or pointless. Then there is if you don't ask they won't tell you. Trust me from experience don't ask  if your not ready for the answer to the question.

 Please don't let emotions beat questions into the ground. It only pushes people further away when you need them the most. Have trust in your partner and yourself because together you will overcome most problems. In my case we have to hell and back to many times to count. She still lays beside me at night and wants to keep trying to make things work for each other and our family. Love too is what it is sometimes.

Now let me pose some questions. Has anyone in your life avoided talking to you? Have they avoided looking into your eyes? Eyes fixed on the ground or anything else so they don't have to look at you? Have a partner that doesn't know how they feel or what they want from life let alone you? Have you had a close friend or lover give you pained eyes or faces?

Have you ever had to say the phrase please look at me? Tell you that you need hugs too much? When the fact is you hug them because you love and miss their presence. Also hugs to me are meant show appreciation and silent affection, they always got my wife and I through hard times. We would stay in bed and just hold each other for hours,  never wanting the pleasure to end.

 Has anyone asked you to give them space when you only see them on the weekends? If you have your not alone. I am not the smartest person in the world or a perfect person. I don't have the answer to any of these questions if you do post a comment.

What I do have is faith in life and in love and I trust things will work out in the end. Just be strong, and true to yourself. Have patience and trust in your partner and give them time. Even if it drives you bonkers just take a deep breath and relax. Don't make matters worse just shut up and listen when they need it. Take it from me I do know that and just like life "Love is what it is sometimes".

Thanks for listening,



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