Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm So Tired

I don't have much time to journal today, but will write something soon. But I will show the lyrics to "I'm So Tired" by the Ruttles, did I say the Ruttles? I mean the the Beatles, off the White Album. If you haven't heard of the Ruttles, you should rent the film "Meet the Ruttles". It has some familiar and funny folks in it. I am a big fan of British humor, and love most of the comedy from Jolly ole England.


I'm so tired

I haven't slept a wink

I'm so tired

My mind is on the blink

I wonder should get up and fix a drink

No, no, no


I'm so tired

I don't know what to do

I'm so tired

My mind is set on you

I wonder should I call you

But I know what you would do

You say I'm putting you on

But it's no joke

It's doing me harm

You know I can't sleep

I can't stop my brain

You know it's been three weeks

I'm going insane

You know I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind.


I'm so tired

I'm feeling so upset

Although I'm so tired

I'll have another cigarette

And curse Sir Walther Raleigh

He was such a stupid get


You'd say I'm putting you on

But it's no joke

It's doing me harm


So, from this Knight I say "Neeeeeeeeee" "No it's a shrubbery"!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved "The Rutles"!

Hope you get some rest!
